라라의 수다도 함께!

  안녕하세요, 라라다방이에요. 지난주엔 여기저기 쏘다니다가 휴재를 해버렸지만… 이번주부턴 다시 계속해 보겠습니다.🤠🤩 글도 보고 싶다는 피드백을 주신 구독자 분이 계셨어요. 예전에 잡지에서 Editor’s Pick이라는 코너를 진행한 적이 있었어요. 에디터들이 자기가 좋아하는 아이템을 소개하는 코너였죠. 그땔 떠올리며 저도 즐거운 마음으로 수다 좀 떨어보겠습니다.💜

  이번 10호에선 샐리 루니의 단편 <안 읽은 메시지(Unread Messages>를 지난 호에 이어서 옮겼어요. 단편인데 좀 긴 것 같아요…. 지난호 간략히 요약해 드릴게요. 우리의 여주 아일린은 옆동네의 몇 살 위 오빠 사이먼을, 10대 시절에 짝사랑했어요. 사이먼은 귀족 가문 도련님 느낌이 낭낭한 멋진 호감형의 남자인데요. 아일린의 마음을 예의 있게 거절했어요. 아일린의 여동생 로라는 사이먼을 짝사랑하는 언니를 못마땅하게 바라보죠. 자, 이제 대학생이 된 아일린의 이야기, 다시 이어집니다!

  사진은 카페 고양이가 귀여워서 찍었습니다. 
  지난호는 아래에 있어요.
  자, 그럼 오늘은 에디터픽 아이템부터 보여드릴게요. 
친구가 신문물을 들여왔어요. <펜하3>의 천서진도 사전예약했다는 갤럭시Z플립3이에요. 삼성페이를 쓸 때마다 의기양양해하던 친구. 폰을 반으로 접고 폰꾸하면서 한층 더 행복해 보여요. 90도로 열어 놓으면, 셀카 찍기도 좋아요. 그러나 저는 잡스와의 의리(?)를 지키겠습니다….  
지난 주말 인천 강화도에 다녀왔어요. 양조장에 들어가 막걸리를 시음했는데요. 양조장 사장님 왈, “강화도 모바일 스탬프 투어 에 해보셨나요?” 친구와 전 투어를 뛰기로 결심했어요. 상품인 강화섬 보리쌀 1Kg을 향해! 정해진 6곳을 방문하면 GPS 스탬프를 찍을 수 있어요. 성공회성당, 참 아름다웠답니다. 같이 사는 제 짝꿍에게 보리밥 지어줄 거예요 :)  
제 방보다 예쁜 화장실을 발견했어요. 화장실에 TV도 있고 에어컨도 있었어요. 이 알록달록한 소품들 보세요. 화장실에서 레트로 파티가 열리고 있었어요. 여긴 강화도 조양방직이에요. 커피는 쏘쏘라는 평이 많았지만 눈이 많이 즐거운 공간이었어요! 마스크 쓰고 안전하게 조심히 다녀오세요. 
안 읽은 메시지(Unread Messages) - 2.6/3편

  18살 때아일린은 더블린에 있는 대학에 들어가 영문학을 공부했다신입생 시절 앨리스 켈러라는 여자아이와 친구가 됐고다음해 둘은 룸메이트가 됐다앨리스는 목소리가 매우 컸다몸에 안 맞는 중고 옷을 입고 다녔으며모든 것에서 웃긴 것을 찾아내는 듯 보였다앨리스의 아버지는 알코올 중독 문제가 있는 자동차 정비공이었다그녀는 만만치 않은 어린시절을 보냈다같은 교실 또래들 사이에선 쉽게 친구를 찾지 못했고강사를 ‘파시스트 돼지라고 불러 작은 징계를 받게 됐다
  At eighteen, Eileen went to university in Dublin to study English. In her first year, she struck up a friendship with a girl named Alice Kelleher, and the following year they became roommates. Alice had a very loud speaking voice, dressed in ill-fitting secondhand clothes, and seemed to find everything hilarious. Her father was a car mechanic with a drinking problem and she’d had a disorganized childhood. She did not easily find friends among their classmates and faced minor disciplinary proceedings for calling a lecturer a “fascist pig.”

  대학에서 아일린은 모든 과제 텍스트를 참을성 있게 읽었고매번 마감에 맞춰 과제를 제출했다시험을 철저히 준비했다그녀는 자신이 받을 수 있는 거의 모든 학술 상을 모았다심지어 전국 에세이 상을 받기도 했다동아리를 꾸렸고나이트클럽에 나가여러 남자 친구들의 권유를 거절했으며그 후 집에 돌아와 거실에서 앨리스와 토스트를 먹었다
  Eileen went through college patiently reading all the assigned texts, submitting every project by the deadline, and preparing thoroughly for exams. She collected almost every academic award for which she was eligible and even won a national essay prize. She developed a social circle, went out to night clubs, rejected the advances of various male friends, and came home afterward to eat toast with Alice in the living room.

  아일린이 2학년 때사이먼은 변호사 시험에 필요한 자격증 공부를 위해 더블린으로 왔다아일린은 어느날 밤 그를 아파트에 초대해 앨리스를 소개했다사이먼은 비싼 초콜릿 한 상자와 화이트와인 한 병을 들고 왔다앨리스가 집에 없던 어느날 밤아일린은 그에게 여자친구가 있는지 물었고그는 웃으며 말했다.왜 그런 걸 물어 봐난 현명하고 나이든 남자야기억나?” 아일린은 소파에 누워 있었고고개를 들지 않은 채 쿠션을 그에게 던졌다그는 손으로 쿠션을 잡았다. “나이가 많은 거지현명하진 않아.” 그녀가 말했다.
  When Eileen was in her second year, Simon moved to Dublin to study for a legal qualification. Eileen invited him to the apartment one night to introduce him to Alice, and he brought with him a box of expensive chocolates and a bottle of white wine. One night, when Alice wasn’t there, Eileen asked him if he had a girlfriend, and he laughed and said, What makes you ask that? I’m a wise old man, remember? Eileen was lying on the sofa, and without lifting her head she tossed a cushion at him, which he caught in his hands. Just old, she said. Not wise.

  아일린이 20살이 됐을 남자와 처음으로 섹스를 했다인터넷에서 만난 남자였다바로 그녀는  남자의 집에서 나와 혼자사는 아파트로 돌아왔다늦었고거의 새벽 2시였고거리는 황폐했다집에 돌아왔을 앨리스가 소파에서 노트북을 들고 뭔가를 쓰고 있었다아일린은 거실 문짝에 기대 말했다. “글쎄이상해.” 앨리스는 타자를 멈췄다. “ 사람이랑 잤어?” 앨리스가 말했다아일린은 손바닥으로  윗쪽을 문질렀다. “ 사람은 내게 옷을 계속 입으라고 했어.” 그녀가 말했다. “전부 .” 앨리스는 아일린을 바라봤다. 이런 인간들은 어디서 찾는 거야?” 땅을 바라보며 아일린은 어깨를 으쓱했다앨리스는 소파에서 일어나 “속상해 하지 .”라고 말했다. “  아니야아무 일도 아니야. 2주면 잊어버릴 .” 아일린은 앨리스의 작은 어깨에 머리를 기댔다.
  When Eileen was twenty, she had sex for the first time, with a man she had met on the Internet. Afterward she walked back from his house to her apartment alone. It was late, almost two o’clock in the morning, and the streets were deserted. When she got home, Alice was sitting on the couch typing something on her laptop. Eileen leaned on the jamb of the living-room door and said, Well, that was weird. Alice stopped typing. What, did you sleep with him? she said. Eileen was rubbing her upper arm with the palm of her hand. He asked me to keep my clothes on, she said. Like, for the whole thing. Alice stared at her. Where do you find these people? she said. Looking at the floor, Eileen shrugged her shoulders. Alice got up from the sofa then. Don’t feel bad, she said. It’s not a big deal. It’s nothing. In two weeks you’ll have forgotten about it. Eileen rested her head on Alice’s small shoulder. 

  사이먼은 그해 여름 파리에서 살면서기후 비상 그룹에서 일하고 있었다.   아일린은 그를 보러 갔다처음으로 혼자 비행기를탔다둘은 공항에서 만났고 기차를  도시로 갔다그날  둘은 사이먼의 아파트에서 와인을 마셨다그녀는 그에게 어떻게 처녀성을 잃었는지 이야기했다그는 웃었고웃어서 미안하다고 말했다둘은 침대에 함께 누웠다잠시 정적이 흐른 아일린이 말했다. “이제 네게 물어볼 거야너는 어떻게 순결을 잃었는지하지만 곧바로  전부 알게 됐지 아직 그래본 적도 없어.” 아일린이 말했다그가 웃었다. “아니그런  있어.” 그가 말했다잠시 동안 그녀는 천장을 향해 얼굴을 들고 조용히 누워 숨을 쉬었다. “ 카톨릭 신자잖아.” 그녀가 말했다둘은 어깨를 만지작거리며 가까이 누워 있었다. “맞아.” 그가 대답했다. “ 아우구스티누스가 뭐라고 할까주여제게 정절을 주세요아직은 말고요.”   
  Simon was living in Paris that summer, working for a climate-emergency group. Eileen went to visit him there, the first time she had ever been on a plane alone. He met her at the airport and they took a train into the city. That night they drank a bottle of wine in his apartment and she told him the story of how she lost her virginity. He laughed and apologized for laughing. They were lying on the bed in his room together. After a pause, Eileen said, I was going to ask how you lost your virginity. But then, for all I know, you still haven’t, she said. He smiled at that. No, I have, he said. For a few seconds she lay quietly with her face turned up toward the ceiling, breathing. Even though you’re Catholic, she said. They were lying close together, their shoulders almost touching. Right, he answered. What does St. Augustine say? Lord, give me chastity, but not yet.

  졸업 아일린은 아일랜드 문학 석사 과정을 시작했다앨리스는 커피숍에서 일하며 소설을 쓰기 시작했다둘은 여전히 같이살고 있었고저녁에 아일린이 저녁식사를 만드는 동안 앨리스는 가끔씩 아일린이  대본의 훌륭한 농담을 큰소리로 읽었다파리에서 사이먼은 여자친구와 살게 됐다나탈리라는 프랑스 여자였다아일린은 석사를 마치고 서점에 취직해짐을 실은 트롤리를 끌고 가게를 가로질러 내려놓았다그리고 베스트셀러 소설들의 개별 복사본에 접착 가격 스티커를 각각 붙였다
  After graduating, Eileen started a master’s degree in Irish literature, and Alice got a job in a coffee shop and began writing a novel. They were still living together, and in the evenings Alice sometimes read aloud the good jokes from her manuscript while Eileen was cooking dinner. In Paris, Simon had moved in with his girlfriend, a French woman named Natalie. After her master’s, Eileen got a job in a bookstore, wheeling loaded trolleys across the shop floor to be unloaded and placing individual adhesive price stickers onto individual copies of best-selling novels. 

  아일린과 앨리스가 24살이었을 앨리스는 25 달러(2 9,000 ) 미국  계약에 사인했다그녀는 출판업계의 누구도 돈에 대해 아는 사람이 없다고 말했다그들이  돈을  만큼 멍청하다면그녀는  돈을 가져갈 만큼 탐욕스럽다고 말했다
  When they were twenty-four, Alice signed an American book deal for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. She said that no one in the publishing industry knew anything about money, and that if they were stupid enough to give it to her she was avaricious enough to take it.

  아일린은 케빈이라는 박사 과정 학생과 사귀고 있었다그를 통해급여는 적지만 흥미로운 직업을 구했다문학 잡지의 보조편집자 일이었다처음엔 단지 복사본 편집만 했지만 달이 지나자 새로운 작품을 의뢰할  있게 됐다그리고 연말엔 편집장이 그녀에게 글을 기고하라고 요청했다아일린은 생각해보겠다고 말했다 무렵 로라는 사업 컨설턴트 회사에서 일했고매튜라는 남자친구를 만나고 있었다
  Eileen was dating a Ph.D. student named Kevin, and through him had found a low-paid but interesting job as an editorial assistant at a literary magazine. At first she was only copy editing, but after a few months they allowed her to start commissioning new pieces, and at the end of the year the editor invited her to contribute some of her own writing. Eileen said she would think about it. Lola was working at a management-consultancy firm by then and had a boyfriend called Matthew.
 어느날  로라는 아일린을 저녁 식사에 초대했다퇴근  목요일 저녁셋은 점점 밤이 짙게 깔리는 서늘한 거리에서 45분을기다렸다로라가 특별히 가고 싶다고 말한 새로 생긴 버거 식당에 들어가기 위해서였다로라는 아일린에게 커리어 계획에 관해물었고 아일린은 잡지 회사에서 행복하다고 했다. “그래지금은 그렇지.” 로라는 말했다. “다음은?” 아일린은 모르겠다고 말했다로라는 미소를 머금으며 말했다. “언젠가 너는 진짜 세상에서 살아야 한다고 했지.” 아일린은 그날  집으로 돌아와소파에서 그녀의 책을 읽고 있는 앨리스를 발견했다.앨리스.” 아일린이 말했다. “ 언젠간 진짜 세상에서 살아야 ?” 보지도않고앨리스는 코웃음을 치며 답했다. “세상에뭐야절대로 아니지누가 그런 말을 했어?” 
  She invited Eileen to have dinner with them in town one night. On a Thursday evening after work, the three of them waited forty-five minutes on an increasingly dark and chilly street to be seated in a new burger restaurant that Lola particularly wanted to try. When the burgers arrived, they tasted normal. Lola asked Eileen about her career plans and Eileen said she was happy at the magazine. Right, for now, Lola said. But what’s next? Eileen told her she didn’t know. Lola made a smiling face and said, One day you’re going to have to live in the real world. Eileen walked back to the apartment that night and found Alice on the sofa, working on her book. Alice, she said, am I going to have to live in the real world one day? Without looking up, Alice snorted and said, Jesus, no, absolutely not. Who told you that?

오늘은 2.6번째였습니다.
우리 다음주도 천천히 끝까지 다 읽어요!😀 
다음주 월요일 라라다방 11호도 기대해 주세요.🙉
🍰 disorganized 체계적이지 못한,     
ex) she had a disorganized childhood. 그녀는 혼란스러운 어린 시절을 보냈다.
🍰 mischievous 돈이나 소유물에 과도한 탐욕을 보이는 
ex) They turned out to be crafty and avaricious politicians. 
그들은 교활하고 탐욕스러운 정치인으로 드러났다. 

오늘도 라라다방은 여기까지!
구독자님의 의견을 기다립니다🌻😍
😺 친구에게도 구독 추천